Dr. John R. Lee's Protocol
John R. Lee, M.D. was an international authority and pioneer in the use of natural progesterone cream and natural hormone balance. He was a sought-after speaker, as well as a best-selling author and the editor-in-chief of a widely read newsletter.
Dr. John Lee has changed the lives of women around the world. He knew that women needed something and he was determined to discover it. Dr. Lee knew that women did not need HRT, he knew there was a missing link in the hormone balance patterns and that women were suffering and not receiving the correct information regarding their symptoms.
This was the breakthrough for women worldwide. Not completely accepted by all the medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies, but he knew that what he found out, we needed to hear about it.
He provides a wide range of information about natural hormones and hormone balance for women and men, resources for finding out more, as well as a variety of books, audio and video tapes and other useful products.
Throughout adult life, women will experience a gradual loss of critical hormones (besides estrogen), namely, progesterone. This decline becomes significant as women get closer to menopause. Symptoms of progesterone deficiency include premenstrual discomfort, night sweats, hot flashes, and a loss of well-being, including depressed feelings. During and after menopause, natural progesterone synthesis often ceases, causing menopausal miseries and degenerative diseases.
Research by Dr. Ray Peat, the late Dr. John Lee, and others has shown that progesterone has many other beneficial uses, including improvement in bone density that prevents osteoporosis, and prevention of other menopausal symptoms.
Every woman should read this book written by John R. Lee, M.D. In "What your doctor may not tell you about premenopause". He wrote:
"If you're a woman between the ages of 30 and 50, you know a woman, maybe yourself, who has fibroids, tender or lumpy breasts, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome or PMS, difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term, sudden weight gain, fatigue, irritability and depression, foggy thinking, memory loss, migraine headaches, very heavy or light periods, bleeding between periods or cold hands and feet. These symptoms are part of premenopause for a majority of today's women, and are the result of hormone imbalances, most of them caused by an excess of the hormone estrogen (estrogen dominance) and a deficiency of the hormone progesterone. Natural progesterone is essential for maintaining hormone balance, and yet it has been largely overlooked by conventional medicine because of medical politics and pharmaceutical company profits. Synthetic estrogen commonly prescribed for this syndrome is a wrong approach. Estrogen dominance is the cause of hormone-related cancers - cancer of breast, cancer of uterus and cancer of ovary. Progesterone is the protector against all these cancers. In spite of what a conventional doctor will tell you, you can do something about these symptoms besides antidepressant drugs, synthetic hormones and surgery."
- Take an optimal synergistically balanced multiple vitamin, mineral and antioxidants.
- Natural Progesterone Cream: Correct estrogen dominance with natural progesterone cream. (not synthetic progestin such as Provera). If you have chronic fibrocystic breast disease or fibroid or endometriosis or PMS, apply natural progesterone cream for 3-6 months and you will be surprised that your problem will greatly improve or even cured. A good natural progesterone cream should contain more than 450 mg of progesterone per oz.
- Drink plenty of clean water.
- Eat a plant-based, low fat, fiber-rich diet of fresh, organic vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes and soy. Eat organic meat only.
- Eat fish at least twice a week.
- Switch from coffee to green tea.
- Limit alcohol consumption to one drink with dinner.
- Get some exercise and meditate daily.
- Get plenty of sleep.
- Avoid chronic stress. Avoid unopposed estrogen, synthetic estrogen and birth control pills. Avoid sugar, refined carbohydrates, rancid unsaturated oils and hydrogenated oils. Avoid pesticides of all kinds.
- Avoid feed-lot meats.
Dr. John Lee's bestselling book lists the following benefits of natural progesterone:*
- Restores sex drive
- Help maintain healthy moods
- Facilitates thyroid hormone action
- Normalizes zinc and copper levels
- Helps the body use fat for energy
- Improves sleep patterns
- Restores proper oxygen cell levels
- Natural diuretic
What is Natural Progesterone Cream?
For the last 30 years, Dr. John Lee has been advocating the use of progesterone cream in menopausal and pre-menopausal women. Unfortunately, Dr. Lee passed away, but his legacy and his knowledge lives on. We’ve developed Pro-Pause 25 Progesterone Cream based on Dr. Lee’s research. Our progesterone cream contains bioidentical micronized progesterone USP, with 25 mg per pump.
We also offer other progesterone creams at higher strengths: Pro-Pause 50 and Pro-Pause 75 Progesterone Cream.
What does Natural Progesterone Cream do?
Women throughout the world are becoming better acquainted with the health benefits of natural progesterone. Natural Progesterone reduces the symptoms and discomfort of Menopause, PMS and Perimenopause without the side effects often associated with synthetic hormone replacement therapy.*
Do not confuse natural progesterone with dangerous progestins hyped by the pharmaceutical industry. We refer only to natural progesterone exactly like your body produces in abundant quantities during pregnancy.
What is Estrogen Dominance?
It is clear that estrogen, when unopposed or unbalanced by progesterone, is not something to be desired. Stated differently, many of estrogen's undesirable side effects are effectively prevented by progesterone. Dr. Lee has named this syndrome Estrogen Dominance. This syndrome occurs mostly in industrialized countries and commonly occurs in the following situations:
- When women are on estrogen replacement therapy;
- During perimenopause, when early follicle depletion results in the lack of ovulation and thus a lack of progesterone well before the onset of menopause;
- Exposure to xenoestrogens, which is the cause of early follicle depletion. Xenoestrogens are foreign substances found outside the body in the air, food, and environment that have an estrogen-like effect on the body;
- Taking birth control pills with an excessive estrogen component;
- Women who have had a hysterectomy leading to dysfunction of the ovaries;
- Post-menopause, especially in overweight women
Progesterone Supplementation
Many women find that by supplementing their hormone production with natural progesterone they will reduce many or most of their menopausal symptoms.* The presence of progesterone in the body sensitizes estrogen receptor sites thus enabling estrogen to work more efficiently. Progesterone is a precursor to other hormones in the body including estrogen, testosterone, and especially the corticosteroids.
Progesterone is one of two main hormones, the other being estrogen, made by the ovaries of menstruating women. Progesterone is also made in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands in both sexes and by the testes in males. When a woman's monthly cycle is functioning correctly, estrogen is the dominant hormone during the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle. In response to ovulation, progesterone assumes dominance for the final two weeks of the month. When the pituitary gland in the brain sends a message to the ovaries to stop production of progesterone, the menstrual cycle begins within 48 hours of this message.
Every person is different. That’s why we recommend testing your hormone levels to find out how much progesterone supplementation your body needs. We are recommending routine physical checkups and lab tests for hormone levels with your healthcare provider, so that you can feel safe in administering the correct amount of progesterone for your specific needs.
BHRT Naturals Progesterone Creams are available in 3 strengths and offer safe, gentle relief from your Estrogen Dominance symptoms while moisturizing your skin with natural oils. BHRT Naturals offers a 180-day money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose but overcoming!
How should the cream be used?
It is best to apply the cream twice a day, a smaller dose in the morning and a bigger one in the evening (progesterone can have calming effect).
To make sure the creme is well absorbed, it is better to apply it on those parts of the body that contain less fat and have a better capillary network – upper chest, breasts, inner arms and inner thighs. You should rotate the place of application and find what suits you best.
When should natural progesterone cream be used?
Progesterone cream can be used when there is too much estrogen and too little progesterone the body. However, the total values or estrogen and progesterone are irrelevant. What is relevant is the ratio between the two. The ratio of progesterone to estrogen in premenopausal women should be 200:1 (i.e. 200 x more progesterone than estrogen).
For more information on estrogen dominance and other issues that can be alleviated by using natural progesterone cream, please read the recommended books below. The authors state several times that you should start using the cream only when you are absolutely sure you need to increase your progesterone level.
They also stress that estrogen and progesterone levels should be verified by a saliva test, not measured from the blood plasma or serum. The blood test can be very misleading when measuring levels of hormones applied transdermally. Hormones that enter the body through the skin become immediately bio-available, which will be reflected in tissues like the saliva glands. They do not cumulate in the bloodstream because they are efficiently sent directly to tissues. Therefore, if you apply 15 to 30 mg of progesterone a day, it is possible that your blood levels of progesterone will not even become elevated, or will only be elevated slightly.
What dosage is recommended to premenopausal women?
If your problems are less serious than endometriosis (see list at the beginning of this article), the authors recommend 15 to 20 mg (possibly 30 mg) of progesterone a day, the last 14 days of your cycle. This is the amount that is produced by a healthy premenopausal (age approx. 30 to 50) female body.
The first phase of your cycle (period up till ovulation) can vary in its length. The second phase (just after ovulation to the beginning of the next period) is always 14 days. This is exactly the time when the body produces progesterone, and therefore, the time when the cream should be applied. If you know you’ve ovulated, start applying the cream the next day, and continue for 13 days. If you don’t know when you ovulate but your cycle is regular, simply count 14 days backwards from the expected date of your next period.
If your cycle is not even regular, here’s what the authors recommend: “If you’re bleeding on and off through the month and you’re not sure when your period is beginning, use your intuition and pick a day that you will call day 1 of your menstrual cycle. Begin taking the progesterone on day 12, and depending on the length of your normal menstrual cycle, stop taking it between days 21 and 28, and start again on day 12.” [2]
Unfortunately, I cannot provide more extensive information in this article. I warmly recommend reading the two books if you plan to give natural progesterone cream a try.
If you’re interested in the cream in relation to menopause, read What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by the same authors.
What dosage is recommended for endometriosis?
Because endometriosis is a serious illness, the authors recommend, for the first 4 to 6 months, to apply the cream before ovulation, which will induce environment similar to the first trimester of pregnancy. I assume that this is a recommendation for women who are NOT using any other hormones to treat endometriosis. The authors do not mention interaction with any other hormones and it is important to consult the use of the cream with your doctor. (By the way, the books contain recommendations for women who have had a hysterectomy.)
Apply the cream from day 5 or 8 to day 26 of your cycle (if your cycle lasts 28 days). If your cycle is longer or shorter, apply the cream proportionately to the basic rule. The dosage is higher for the first 4 to 6 months, 40 to 60 mg of progesterone a day. If the disease is extra strong, you can increase the dosage up to 80 mg of progesterone a day for a short period of time. The progesterone will limit the production of endometrial tissue, which should help your body deal with the symptoms and further progress of the disease.
After the first 4 to 6 months, the dosage should be reduced to the smallest effective dose possible. The authors also underline that it is important to work with a doctor is you take progesterone in higher amounts.
I personally believe that if “regular” doctors don’t even blink and put you on a (synthetic) hormonal therapy or recommend a hysterectomy, they will not even be willing to consider natural progesterone cream. (I have seen a reaction or two from a doctor saying that natural progesterone’s effect has not been proven.) Well, I prefer to supply my body with a biodientical hormone that it is familiar with, even if I have to fool it into thinking it’s pregnant for a few months. Then I will do my best to go back to the “regular” smaller dosage the last two weeks of the cycle. I think it’s still much better than synthetic progestin, with its higher risk of various cancers, heart attack or stroke. And much better than an irreversible removal of my uterus.
Publications on natural progesterone by Dr. John Lee MD.
- Lee, John, M.D. Natural Progesterone, The Multiple Roles of a Remarkable Hormone. Sebastopal, CA: BLL Publishing. 1993.
- Lee, John, M.D. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Menopause. New York, NY: Warner Books. 1996.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Although results may vary and are not guaranteed, Supplement Spot will refund all unsatisfied customers.